The Will of God Will Not Take Us Where the Grace of God Cannot Sustain Us.
“Having grown up in Charleston, I was excited when God led my husband, Don, and I to move back after 29 years of living in Kentucky and Indiana.
“Don was blessed to be transferred to the Charleston Walmart, so I was the only one looking for a job. As a math teacher, I began the process of renewing my SC teaching certificate, while teaching at a preschool. I obtained my certificate and had interviews at two middle schools.
“I felt God leading me to Baptist Hill, and accepted that position. I went to observe one of the classes that I would be teaching, and was overwhelmed by the apathy of the students. I silently prayed ‘Lord, I don’t know how to encourage or motivate these students.’ He clearly answered back to me ‘Well, David didn’t know how to fight giants before he fought Goliath either, but that ended well because he depended on Me!’
“With a message like that, I KNEW that God had led me to this school and would provide what was needed . . . until I started hearing things about Baptist Hill being known for violence and it being potentially dangerous to work there. Then, I began to doubt.
“So, I asked God to clarify His leading in this matter. He very quickly answered me with ‘Well, I have often spoken to you through Pastors Jack and Kevin at Charleston Baptist!’
“So, I began to review the notes from their sermons. Pastor Jack had preached on Proverbs 3:5-6, and God used this sermon to show me that I could TRUST HIM, as the ONE WHO had led me to take this position, as the ONE WHO had spoken to me in the back of the classroom that day, or I could depend on my own understanding and the world’s wisdom. I had a peace from God that Baptist Hill was definitely where He wanted me to teach and minister.
“On the Sunday before I was to start this teaching job, God used Pastor Kevin and his sermon on the great commission to clarify to me that He was calling me to build relationships with these students, through which God can open doors for sharing His Gospel!
“The quote from Billy Graham that he closed with sums it all up nicely: “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.”
Charleston Baptist Church
13 San Miguel Road