Social Media Policy
Charleston Baptist Church of Charleston, South Carolina, USA welcomes the community’s contributions to its Facebook Page (e.g. comments, photo tagging, wall posts,etc.).
Our goal is to give you a way to connect with us and other fans of Charleston Baptist Church in our Facebook community. We’ll share with you the latest information about Charleston Baptist Church, it’s news and events and we’ll also give you a voice through comments, posts and share.
We will make every effort to respond to any questions in a timely manner, however, if you should not receive a response to a question, please contact the Page administrator at We will ensure that you receive a response to your questions or comments.
Keep in mind, this is a moderated page, and Charleston Baptist Church reserves the right to moderate or remove any and all comments, links or submissions, as well as limit access to this page from users who abuse the comment policy. All users must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use and the following guidelines for participating on this page:
Keep it clean: Use appropriate language and etiquette. Comments that include offensive or inappropriate language or photography will be deleted.
Keep it courteous: Healthy debate is encouraged but personal attacks will not be permitted.
Keep it on-topic: Any comment that is not relevant to the topic at hand, or to other peoples’ comments, will be deleted.
Keep it legal: Any comment relating to legal or financial matters will be deleted. Do not post information that is known to be false, fraudulent, deceptive, inaccurate or misleading.
Keep personal info private: Remember this page is public. For your own safety, do not post any personal information about yourself or third parties (e.g. addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses).
Keep it spam-free: Any comment assumed to be spam will be deleted. Posts that overtly promote products or services will be deleted. Repeated comments from the same user or are similar in nature will also be deleted.
Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions and position of Charleston Baptist Church or its staff. If you have any questions concerning the operation of this Page, please contact the webmaster at
Thank you for joining us and we look forward to hearing from you!