Wednesday Night Fever is the weekly gathering for CB students in grades 6-12. The ministry runs during the school year. Visit our Summer Sizzle page to learn about our summer ministry for students. The night includes games with a purpose, time of worship, relevant biblical teaching, small group interaction under the supervision of student leaders and dedicated adult volunteers. The purpose of Wednesday Night Fever is to help students connect with one another and learn from one another as they apply biblical truths to everyday life.
6:15 pm | All students meet in the Gym for games. Students can be dropped off at the front of the Gym building and will check-in in the lobby.
6:30 pm | Students transition to time of worship and testimony in the Gym.
6:45 pm | Students attend LifeGroup for a time of in-depth teaching and interaction with LifeGroup leaders.
7:45 pm | Wednesday Night Fever concludes. Students can be picked up at the front of the Gym building.
If you have any questions about Wednesday Night Fever or would like to volunteer, email: cbstudents@charlestonbaptist.org or visit the Next Steps page.